Expose Bill Gates Day


A collection of links that I find interesting. That doesn’t mean that I agree/disagree about the contents of a link. Some links I have seen/read entirely, some partially, some are on my read/watch list, some are recommendations from people that are close to me, and others are from sources that I follow. My recommendation is to use your own discernment but also be open minded. No reason to hurry in making conclusions. This blog post might receive updates during June 13th.

I recommend to first go through some of the material linked in “Sense making during the current events part 2” : https://crazydeepgrowth.wordpress.com/2020/06/06/sense-making-during-the-current-events-part-2/

Something I can stand behind:

Today it’s expose Bill Gates day:

IMHO Bill Gates is a symptom instead of the next scapegoat.

Daniel Smachtenberger talks about underlying system problems:


Bentinho on disclosure:

Dutch text:

Op 21 Juni  gaat een demonstratie voor onze vrijheid plaatsvinden.


Boas. Fragment van langere video “June 12th: awakening from Big Tech”. (Dutch version)


Being safer at demonstrations (Dutch version)


Being safer at demonstrations (English version)


Dutch background information:

Upcoming English videos 14-06-2020:


Added on 18-06-2020: